Calgary home renovations: Should I renovate an old house?

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Finding a home perfect for you can be nearly impossible. There are a lot of factors that need to be considered, not to mention projected costs that are overwhelming to any potential homeowner. Although an old home that needs to be renovated can seem like a significant gamble, it can also be a worthy investment to make.

An older fixer-upper can be fraught with areas of disrepair that will prove to be expensive, deterring homeowners from pursuing the project. But the result could culminate in your dream home that you would not have otherwise received through the purchase of a modern home.

Before you begin to search for an old house that needs remodelling, you should be aware of the pros and cons that come with owning and renovating an old home. 

This article will outline the benefits and drawbacks of remodelling an old home and what considerations should be taken before tackling a home renovation services in Calgary project. 

Pros of renovating an old home

  • Old homes are much less expensive than purchasing a new home outright. By buying an older home, you can initially save thousands of dollars that can be put into future renovations. 
  • Older homes are often more solidly built than modern houses. With secure flooring and thick walls, there is usually no need for complete reconstruction.
  • When purchasing an older home, you can be assured that it contains a lot of unique characteristics that aren’t found in modern homes. Older homes can be adorned with unique mouldings, fashionable light fixtures, and timeless hardwood floors. These characteristics can be salvaged during the renovation process.
old house renovation: pros and cons
Empty room of an older home that is being renovated

Cons of renovating an old home

  • Older homes can contain toxic materials that can be hazardous to your health if disturbed. Toxic materials like asbestos and lead are hard to decipher with the naked eye, and they can harm you without your knowledge. Before you begin to renovate, it is always recommended by home renovation professionals to get someone to come and inspect your home and remove any hazardous materials discovered for maximum safety. 
  • Renovating an older home can amount to exorbitant prices. If you are required to replace the foundation and roof and electrical and plumbing, the price can become increasingly high. 
  • Renovations can be a timely process for fixing up an older home. Because there are replacements that will need to be made, fixtures that will need to be installed, and additions that need to be implemented, this particular renovation can become very lengthy. 


Before you begin to renovate the older home of your dreams, you should factor in several considerations. One renovation element you should consider is the cost of the entire project. Add up the estimated price of every part of the renovation and see how it aligns with your budget. It can be detrimental to be in the middle of a renovation and realize you do not have the funds to pay for most of the necessities you want to implement. Another factor is the timeline of the renovation. Consider how much time this may take and where you will reside during the majority of the renovation. Create an accurate timeline based on your contractor’s best estimates. 

Finally, you’ll want to hire a reliable contractor and renovation team. Get referrals from family and friends, and be sure to hire someone that will keep you in the loop. Contact your local renovation company within your area for more information about Calgary home renovations. 

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